Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Activism Blog #9

Enrique Irizarry
Jeannina Perez
WST 3015
April 20, 2010

Activism Blog #9:

Up to this point our team seems to be moving in the right direction. Our goals are being met. As of now, we are currently working on table ling at the University of Central Florida. We have been able to gather some recruits to help us; the NOW organization at the university. The members that are available to attend will have lab-tops ready for anyone who would like to sign up for the petition. The students will be informed of what our goals are and what their signatures mean to our petition. Unfortunately, I will not be able to meet during these times specified for table ling due to my work schedule. Yet, I am still spreading the word to multiple people online.

I do believe that table ling will definitely help spread our message. Many students will be astonished to discover who Alice Paul is and what the women’s movement was really about. To this day, as I substitute countless students, I ask if any of them know who Alice Paul is, and they still give me blank stares. Table ling with further allow us to reach people who may not be able to have access or knowledge of our movement, and from there they can tell their friends about our message and the petition. By table ling at the University, we are becoming what Megan Seely noted about third wavers and how, “We don’t want to be expected merely to show up for events but rather want to be included in the design and creation of the event. We don’t want to be considered the future of the movement; we want to be part of the movement today and help build for the future(71).” We are taking these such actions to one day change the way students are learning history. We want people to learn and realize what struggles women had to face like other groups in history. As third wavers, we want recognition for what everyone has done to contribute to history and not just a select group of people that may be considered more important than another. Our ultimate goal is to gain enough recognition to make changes in the way we look at women and their contributions to history and this country.

Our actions speak louder than our words and as a group, we still have one more week to continue to spread our message and be active. Also, throughout the remainder of the week, our group will discuss how we will present our project to our classmates. Everything from timelines, to face book, to emailing, will be discussed in regards to the proper presentation of our project.

Works Cited:

Seely, Megan. Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. Print.

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