Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Activism #8

Enrique Irizarry
Jeannina Perez
WST 3015
April 13, 2010

Activism Blog #8:

As noted by one of our petition signers, Paula Hampton, signer number 201, "This is very important, especially since all efforts towards getting the Equal Rights Amendment to become a reality have taken a back seat in the public's conscienceness in this new millenium. We women need to take up this issue again and run hard with it! It's the right thing to do for ourselves, for our children, and the next seven generations that come after us. This could have profound effects on the fututre of those generations."

Although I am very pleased that our petition seems to be moving in the right direction, I somewhat wish that Paula Hampton would have chosen her words more carefully. Basically, I wish that she would have took the time to notice that this movement isn't just about women acting for change, but men as well who support this movement, like me:) Furthermore, Megan Seely stated it clearly when she said in her text, "Fight like a Girl," "Men are not the enemy. They, too, are at a disadvantage in a patriarchal soceity. Men in the feminist movement can take a stand against gender-based oppression and speak out about the cult of masculinity that boxes them into a very narrow accepted norm(81)."

Also, as I watched the movie, Bridge to Terabithia, I thought it was funny how Jess Aarons thought is was weird that Leslie Burke could build things so well. Leslie came back and noted, how was it possible for a boy, like himself, to not be good at building, but draw well as an artists? This is precisely the reason why this movement affects both men and women, boys and girls. Although there may be some discrepencies, I am happy to note that there are people willing to help with their signatures.

Also, I am happy to say that I have successfully emailed all of my organizations and all of the colleges that I was designated to contact via email. This was perhaps that most challenging task. Emailing all the college from the states of Hawaii to Maryland was nothing easy, but our group has enjoyed success. Just recently, the head coordinator/chair at Western Illinois University already made contact with us and noted that she will pass on the word. Overall, this past week has been a success.

Work Cited:

Seely, Megan. Fight like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. Print.

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